
Wednesday 3 April 2019

Tis the Season for Yarn Festivals

Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, it’s off to Frolic we go!  
We knit, knit, knit all winter long, The stash is running low.

Yes! The yarn and fibre festival season is upon us, kicking off with the Toronto Knitter’s Frolic on Saturday April 27th, and ending with the WoodstockFleece Festival (aka Woolstock) on Saturday October 19th.  Pace yourself, it’s a long season.

It’s important that you prepare yourself so that your stash and bank account are not overwhelmed by the end of the season.   Keep focused; you are seeking out vendors that have unique products that are not easily sourced in your own turf, or an absolute bargain that just can't be left behind.

Preparation Steps


Step 1:  Take Stock of What You Have

Although my stash is comprised of all weights and colours of yarn, I have a weakness for fingering weight, especially those from independent dyers.  I suggest that you pull out your stash, weight by weight, and take stock.  If you are concerned about your other half actually seeing how much you have, send them on an errand to Home Depot or Canadian Tire, or a similar happy place that will keep them out of the house for awhile.

I pulled out all the easily found fingering weight yarn, not including yarn designated for socks, and took a picture.  I say easily because, when I looked at the photo later, I realized that some things were missing.

The back row of this photo includes lace weight yarns, which is also a weakness of mine.  This will serve as a reminder to me of how much I already have, but also what colours I don't have.  If you are trying to find a specific colour to pair up with a stash skein, take it with you so there is no guessing.  Colour changes with lighting, so make sure the colours match up at time of purchase.
Also, take stock of Buyer’s Remorse items.  These are the impulse purchases that were made previously and now you wonder; why did I buy that?

Step 2:  Know the Quantity Needed by Weight

Do your research in advance for the amount of yarn needed for projects.  If shopping for project specific yarns, take the pattern with you to make sure you are buying a sufficient amount to complete the project.  This is extremely important when you come across a bargain that you just cannot refuse.  Remember, it’s only a bargain if there is enough to complete a project, or it pairs up nicely with a previous bargain stash item where you are shy a few hundred yards to do anything tangible (refer back to Step 1).

Step 3:  Budget

The best way to stay on budget is to take cash and leave your credit/debit card at home.  Yeah right.  It’s good advice, but get realistic, that’s not going to happen.  I do take cash, but keep the credit card close at hand; just in case.

Step 4:  Choose Your Shopping Companion Wisely

Shopping with an enabler can be deadly.  If you enable each other, then you better have enough trunk space for all your purchases.  Make a pact with your buddy and talk each other down when impulse starts to take over.

Ok, prep steps are done, it’s time to Frolic! 

Event Rules


Rule 1 – Do Not Buy the First Thing You See!!!!

Resist the temptation, no matter how much it takes your breath away!  I guarantee that if you walk a few steps more, you will see something else that is equally breathtaking.  This can definitely lead to buyer’s remorse later on.

I must tell the story of Annette at Woolstock.  This was Annette’s first yarn fair and she had expressed concern of being out of control at a venue such as this.  Before exiting the car, we had a pep talk to reinforce the mission – to seek out unique products not readily available to us at our local yarn stores, and/or to source absolute bargains.  In the line to pay our admission, Annette spied a display for a pattern book to make a Canadian province blanket.  She gasped, jumped out of the entrance line and hopped into the queue to purchase the pattern book.  We had yet to enter the vendor marketplace and Annette had already made her first purchase!  We had fun a lot of fun that day.

Rule 2 – Remember Preparation Steps 1 – 4

Is it the right colour?  Is there enough to make that sweater?  Can I purchase this yarn locally?  Will I listen to my friend when they try to talk me down?  Is it so special that I don't care about steps 1 – 4?  Did my credit card get approved?

Post Festival

After an exhausting day at the marketplace, it’s time to sit down and relax in the lounge, pull out your purchases, and compare finds.  Ooh and aah as you take in the loveliness of the colour and texture.  They are treasures that you cannot wait to start knitting. What's this? A yarn tasting table - a cornucopia of lovely fibres. Ooh, how delicious. I've got to get some of that, so back to the marketplace we go, but remember Rule #2 ... or not. After all, you are on a mission.

Now, book your calendars for the next event -- The Prince Edward Country Fibrefest is only a month away. 

As soon as you get home, unpack your treasures, add them to the stash and repeat preparation step 1 in readiness for the next one.  Now relax, pour a glass of wine, and start knitting!

Now, wasn’t that easy?  Have fun and see you at the Frolic!

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